August 17, the development team of the open-source movie editor “Kdenlive” rolled out the latest version “Kdenlive 20.08”.
Microsoft Launched a New Open-Source Website
August 13, Microsoft announced a new website that shares their open-source efforts. The website itself is built with open-source technologies, and it shares code.
SQLite 3.33.0 Released
August 14, the developers of SQLite announced the latest release of the relational database “SQLite 3.33.0”. It is available for download from the project website.
Sonatype Finds Increase in Cyber Attacks
August 12, Sonatype announced “2020 State of the Software Supply Chain”, a report on the open-source ecosystem. According to the report, the number of next-generation cyber attacks increased by a staggering 430%.
The New “Jupyter Book”
August 13, the “Jupyter Book” project announced the new Jupyter Book. It has replaced Jekyll with Sphinx and added many improvements.
Chromebook Sales Doubled, Google Announced “”
August 12, Google announced “”, a website that provides resources for developing apps for ChromeOS. In response to the Chromebook’s growing popularity, Google aims to encourage app development.
“WordPress 5.5 (Eckstine)” Released, adds support for lazy loading
August 11, developers behind the open-source blog software “WordPress” rolled out the latest version “WordPress 5.5 (Eckstine)“.
“Emacs 27.1” Released, with Portable Dumper
August 11, the developers behind the text editor GNU Emacs announced the latest stable release “GNU Emacs 27.1”. It includes support for HarfBuzz and brings Portable Dumper.
Mozilla Announced Layoffs, revenue impacted by coronavirus pandemic
August 11, Mozilla Corporation, the maker of “Firefox”, announced that they are laying off 250 employees. They blame the coronavirus pandemic for impacting the revenue.
Facebook Open Sourced Python Code Analysis “Pysa”
August 7, Facebook has open sourced the Python code static analysis tool “Pysa”.