“KDevelop 5.6 Released, displays problems as inline notes

The developers behind the cross-platform IDE “KDevelop” released its latest version “KDevelop 5.6”.

KDevelop is an IDE developed by KDE Community. Based on KDevelop Platform, KDE Frameworks, and Qt library, it has an advanced editor with semantic code analysis at its core. It supports C, C++, Python, QML/JavaScript, PHP, and other programming languages. It can run on Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, macOS, other Unix OSs, and Windows. It is released under the GPL.

KDevelop 5.6 is the latest release of the version 5 series, released in 2016. This half of year of work brings improvements focused on stability, performance, and maintainability.

It introduces a new feature that shows a short description of a problem at the end of the line that contains it. This was made possible by using the InlineNote interface for KTextEditor, and it lets you quickly see the problem without having to do anything like accessing the tool view. It only displays one problem per each line, but it prioritizes to show problems with higher severity.

As to the build system CMake, this release has fixed the test linker error with Qt 5.9. It has also added optimization of CMakeManager::fileInformation for path lookups, and numerous other enhancements.

It also brings better language support for C++, PHP, and Python. It has added support for Python 3.9.
