“Kubernetes 1.19” Released, support period extended to one year

August 26, the developers of Kubernetes announced the latest release of the container orchestration “Kubernetes 1.19”. Starting with this version, its support period is extended to 12 months.

Kubernetes is a framework for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It is developed by Google and released as an open-source project.

Kubernetes 1.19 is the latest release after v1.18, released in March, and it is the second release for 2020. It includes 34 enhancements: ten of which are moving to stable, 15 are moving in beta, and 9 in Alpha.

The most notable change is that the support period is extended to one year. This is in response to the findings which revealed that many of the end-users didn’t upgrade within the 9 month-support period.

This release includes a new alpha feature, storage capacity tracking. Traditionally, the Kubernetes scheduler was based on the assumption that additional persistent storage is available everywhere in the cluster and has infinite capacity. Now, it adds an API for a CSI driver to report storage capacity and uses that information in the Kubernetes scheduler when choosing a node for a pod. This is a stepping stone for supporting dynamic provisioning for local volume in the future. It includes the alpha version of CSI health monitoring, which enables CSI Drivers to share abnormal volume.

The Ingress API, which controls external access to services in a cluster, is now graduated to GA. Ever since v1.1 when it became available in beta, it has attained de facto GA status, while working on either a V2 Ingress API or an entirely different API with a superset of features.

This release introduces new methods to the klog library that provide a more structured interface for formatting log messages. It also adds a structured logging feature in the Kubernetes control plane, client TLS certificate rotation for kubelet is now GA, and it includes many other feature enhancements.

Kubernetes 1.19 is available on the project website.
