“Go 1.15” Released, with improved linker

August 11, the developer team of Google programming language “Go” released the latest version “Go 1.15”. It brings improvements to the linker.

Thanks to the improvements added to the linker, such as redesigning object file format and increasing concurrency, both time and memory usage has been reduced. With large Go programs (Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Dragonfly, and Solaris), this leads to a 20% faster linking and 30% less memory use. It also improves code robustness and maintainability.

Core library now includes tzdata package that permits embedding the timezone database into a program. Improting tzdata makes it possible to find timezone information even if the timezone database is not available on the local system.

Now the core library translates EGLConfig to G type unapt, and X.509 CommonName, which has been deprecated, is now disabled by default. When there are no Subject Alternative Names, it can temporarily re-enable by adding the value x509ignoreCN=0 to the GODEBUG environment variable.

In regards to the runtime, allocation of small objects now performs much better at high core counts and has less latency.

It includes many other improvements.
