Microsoft Launched a New Open-Source Website
August 13, Microsoft announced a new website that shares their open-source efforts. The website itself is built with open-source technologies, and it shares code.
Microsoft has started Open Source Program Office in partnership with the in-house experts to manage the open source program. According to OSPO, over 150,000 open source components are used per month to build products and services.
The new website provides a collection of information on Microsoft’s open-source efforts. Microsoft has numerous open-source projects like “CNAB”, “Blazor”, and “.NET”. The “Projects” menu allows you to access these open-source projects.
The “Ecosystem” menu provides information on how Microsoft supports open-source projects and free and open-source software. Another notable menu is the “Our program”, which gives details on Microsoft’s open source program.
The website is built by OSPO, and the site itself is open source. It is coded in Ruby/Jekyll and deployed through Linux Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. It uses Azure Front Door and Azure CDN.