Microsoft Joined Linux Foundation OpenSSF

August 3, nonprofit organization Linux Foundation, who promotes Linux and open-source software, announced its efforts to establish the “Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF)”. Microsoft is one of the founding members.

The OpenSSF brings together work from the Linux Foundation-initiated “Core Infrastructure Initiative”, the Git-Hub-initiated “Open Source Security Coalition”, and other open-source security efforts. Its goal is to build a broader community, targeted initiatives, and best practices.

Microsoft, who became a platinum member of Linux Foundation in 2016, is a founding member alongside GitHub, one of Microsoft’s affiliates. Each initiative will be hosted and managed on GitHub project page.

IBM, Red Hat, Google, JPMorgan Chase (JPMC), NCC Group, and OWASP Foundations are also listed as board members. The list of founding members also includes Intel, GitLat, and VMware

Mark Russinovich, chief technology officer at Microsoft Azure, appeals to the community that the foundation has been joining efforts to identify security threats and provide security tools. He reminded that “open-source software is inherently community-driven and as such, there is no central authority responsible for quality and maintenance,” and as “open-source software is vulnerable to attacks against the very nature of the community,” “building better security must also be a community-driven process.”

Open Source Security Foundation(OpenSSF)