“LibreOffice 6.4.5” Released

July 2, Document Foundation announced the latest release of the open-source productivity suite “LibreOffice 6.4.5”.

LibreOffice 6.4.5 is the minor release of version 6.4, released in January. Version 6 series came out in February 2018.

The development team is currently working on new features that will be included in the next major release“LibreOffice 7.0”. Version 6.4.5 focuses on bug fixes.

This release includes many bug fixes, for example, a bug that caused to crash when running uninitialized FilterDescriptor in macro on the spreadsheet application Calc has been fixed. Also, a bug that caused Mail Merge wizard freezing problem in some specific files has been fixed. This release also focuses on improving compatibility and interoperability with other software.

As a side note, according to the development team, 6.4.5 is optimized for use in production environments, and they have spent several months working on bug fixes. They are calling out to the users of 6.3 series to upgrade.
