Angular 9.1 Released, with support for TypeScript 3.8

March 25, development team of “Angular”, JavaScript application framework, released the latest version “Angular 9.1.0”.

Angular is a framework for developing applications for both mobile and desktop. TypeScript is used for code implementation, and declarative templates can be used to build. It supports data model construction that uses “RxJS”, which supports asynchronous implementation, and “Immutable.js”, which supports Immutable data structures.

Angular 9.1 is the first point release of Angular 9, released in February, and it has perfect compatibility with Angular 9.0. Also, framework and CLI have been updated.

The speed of the “Angular compatibility compiler (ngcc)”, which was introduced to maintain the compatibility between the view engine “Ivy” and the former view engine, has been improved, and it now allows simultaneous compilation of multiple packages.

It supports TypeScript 3.8. New features such as type-only imports and exports, top-level await, and ECMAScript private fields are available. In regards to internationalization, it supports RTL locale info.

As to end-to-end tests, the grep and invertGrep options can be passed to the Protractor builder. You can easily choose the test you want to run. New projects can use TSLint 6.1 by default.

If using VSCode and the Language Service Extension, it allows the IDE to syntax highlight expressions in the templates. It uses TypeScript-like formatter, and it also supports syntax highlighting to the inline HTML templates of the components.

There are many other small feature enhancements added to this release.
