“Apache SkyWalking 7.0’ Released, a monitor tool for distributed systems

March 22, APM (application performance monitor) tool for distributed systems “Apache Skywalking” development team announced the release of the latest major release “Apache SkyWalking 7.0.0”.

Apache SkyWalking is a software that monitors the application performance. As it is designed for microservices and container-based applications, it provides a platform equipped with features like tracing, service mesh telemetry analysis, metric aggregation and visualization. For service mesh, it supports Istio and Envoy. This project was originally developed in 2015, and then it entered the Apache Incubator in 2017. By the end of April, it became an Apache Top level project.

The latest major release “Apache SkyWlaking 7.0” is the successor of Apache SkyWalking 6.0, which was released in January. Now it supports method performance profile and provide E2E Test framework. Regarding UI, it offers custom topology definition.

On the java agent side, SkyWalking dropped its support for JDK 1.6/1.7, and the minimal requirement is JDK8. In the agent core, lazy injection API is added, and it supports Servlet 2.7 in the Struts plugin. The bug found in the ElasticSearch plugin is fixed, and there are new plugins like the Finagle plugin.

On the backend, Influx DB is added as a new storage option. Now HTTP protocol can be used for agent, and it now includes support for Nginx LUA agent.

There are many more feature improvements.

Apache SkyWalking