Scala.js 1.0 Released, can compile Scala code to JavaScript code

February 25, the development team of Scala.js, who offers tools to compile Scala code to JavaScript code, released the GA status “Scala.js 1.0.0”.

Scala.js is a set of tools that converts code, implemented in Scala language, into JavaScript so that it can run on Web browsers and JavaScript runtime. As Scala is equipped with powerful typing feature, this feature can be fully utilized in web application development. Also, it offers great optimization features and compatibility with JavaScript runtime. It is licensed by Apache License 2.

It’s been seven years for Scala.js to release v1.0.0 since the release of v0.1 in 2013. This version emits ECMAScript 2015 code by default, and brings better interoperability with JavaScript libraries. As to Scala and JVM, the portability is improved. Runtime performance is also improved.

Please note that because it does not offer backward-compatibility with the previous release v0.6 series, libraries must be be recompiled using v1.0.
