Microsoft Announcing “TypeScript 3.8”

February 20, Microsoft announced the release of programming language “TypeScript 3.8”. It includes many improvements, for example, new syntax to import/export only the types.

TypeScript is a programming language which Microsoft develops. It is released on open source. It adds features like typing system on top of JavaScript, and by converting described code into JavaScript, it can run on various web browsers and JavaScript runtime.

TypeScript 3.8 is the latest release following TypeScript 3.7, released in November 2019. The new syntax “Export type” only exports type annotations and declarations, and “import type” imports them. Also added is the new compiler flag “importsNotUsedAsValues”, which controls the behavior of the imports that won’t be used at runtime.

TypeScript 3.8 supports ECMAScript’s private fields. Private filed is a new feature included in the Stage-3 class fields proposal. What’s notable is the “private names” whose private fields starts with a “#” character, and also hard privacy, which can’t be accessed or detected outside of the containing class. It is also implemented with “export as * ns” syntax, which is a new ECMAScript 2020 feature.

In addition, there are many other new features, including support for Top-level await and a new feature that allows adding type annotations to JavaScript file in a form of a comment.
