Text Editor “Atom 1.44” Released

February 13, the development team of Atom, an open-source text editor developed by GitHub, released the latest “Atom 1.44.0”.

Atom is a text editor implemented with “Electron”, a JavaScript-based application framework.  It is equipped with package manger feature that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, to extend functionalities.  It includes file system browser and Auto-completion feature, supporting various programming languages.  It comes with an interface that allows working directly with GitHub.

Atom 1.44 is the latest release following v1.43, which was released in January.  It brings about fix for bad jump to file in reviews controller and improvement on GiHub tab blank-slate behavior.  The readability of commit details on both dark and light UI themes has been improved.

Atom 1.44 is available on the project website.
