FSF Demands that Windows 7 Be Released as Free Software

January 23, Free Software Foundation, a non-profit organization who supports free software, started a petition demanding Microsoft to release Windows 7, whose support has just expired, as free software. FSF argues that Microsoft should release the source code to let the community “study and improve” it.

Windows 7 is a Micosoft OS, whose support ended on January 14. It was released way back in 2009. As Microsoft has a precedent of releasing the source code of some Windows utilities, FSF demands that Microsoft release Windows 7 as free software to the community. FSF argues that Microsoft should “Give it to the community to study, modify, and share,” and “(because the support for Windows 7 has just been discontinued) Microsoft has nothing to lose.”

FSF demands Microsoft executives to 1)release Windows 7 as free software, 2)respect the freedom and privacy of the users, and not simply force them to upgrade to the latest Windows version, 3)show the proof that they really respect their users and users’ freedom, and that they aren’t using the concepts as part of their marketing scheme.

FSF’s goal is to gather 7777 supporters, and there are already 4604 at the time of this writing.

Further more, FSF voices that Windows has brought “ten years of poisoning education, invading privacy, and threatening user security,” and by the ending of the lifecycle of Windows 7, it “gives Microsoft the perfect opportunity to undo past wrongs, and to upcycle it instead.”

The petition published by Free Software Foundation (FSF)