Wine 5.0 Released, now supports Vulkan 1.1

January 21, Wine development team announced the latest major release “Wine 5.0”.

Wine is a software for Linux, MacOS, and POSIX compatible OS like any BSD. It offers API that is compatible with Windows API. Unlike virtual machines and emulators that simulate Windows logic, it converts Windows API to POSIX call to minimize the effects on performance and memory.

Wine 5.0 is the latest major release, following Wine 4.0, released in January 2019. It has been reported that there are over 7400 modifications included in the release.

Now it supports multi display environment and Vulkan v1.1.126.

Many function improvements are added to Direct 3D and D3DX. For audios and videos, XAudio2 libraries are reimplemented. The compatibility has been improved by using external FAudio libraries.

Most modules are built in PE (Portable Execution) format instead of ELF binary format, which is used on Linux and BSD. Thanks to this change, now it supports copy protection system that compares on-disk and in-memory contents.

There are many other new features and improvements.
